Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Two Dimes

Two coins.

That's it. They changed our relaxing evening in a second. We were all sitting there watching t.v when Logan started choking. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what he was choking on, as he was playing games on his tablet. His face turned all red and he was drooling so much. The look on his face was panic and fear. A lot of fear. I am currently CPR trained and certified as it is a requirement as part of my job, but do you think I actually put any of that into action?


I was the terrified mother not able to make my brain work properly. He was eventually able to breath and he was so scared. He was crying and saying it hurt and I was trying to figure out what he had swallowed. He finally told us he had swallowed two dimes that he was holding in his mouth. And he said they were still in his throat.

I wasn't sure if it was just the residual pain of them going down or if they were actually still stuck there. There was also the unknown if they actually went into his tummy or his lungs.

I knew at that point a trip to the hospital was going to happen.

Amazingly I was surprised at how quickly we got in and out of the hospital. Two hours from triage to walking out the door.

I know now that we can joke about this and laugh about it, but at the time it was a very scary situation.

We were asked to return in seven days to make sure they had passed. We went back today to get the repeat x-ray done and thankfully they were no longer in his tummy. The doctor had asked if I wanted to see the picture and I thought, well Logan would probably get a kick out of seeing them. So he was able to see the two x-rays, the one you could clearly see the two dimes sitting there and then the second was just his tummy. He thought it was so neat!

On our drive home Logan started singing along with the song on the radio, so I turned it up. We belted it out to the song "Best day of my life." I thought it was a bit ironic, seeing how he must have thought this was the best day of his life knowing that he no longer had two dimes in his tummy.

He now knows that money goes straight in the piggy bank and not in his mouth.

We made a trip out to Oshawa to see Great Grandma and Great Grandpa this past week and his Great Grandpa gave him some dimes, and I am happy to report that they all made it into the piggy bank!

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