Sunday, 5 October 2014

One Day

One day there will come a time when my son realizes that he is a little bit different.

One day he will realize that writing his name is a little bit more difficult for him.

One day he will see that he isn't able to read as well as his friends.

One day he will see that he is the only one during lunch time that isn't eating a sandwich.

One day I may have to explain to him why he is a little bit different, and I dread that day.

He doesn't notice any of these things right now. He loves being with his friends and he will talk your ear off about a drawing that he did. He can see the whole picture there, but to others just looks like a bunch of scribbles. When your five nothing seems impossible. Everyone is the same and everyone plays with everyone else.

He has this girl in his class that admires him for how fast he can run. She was really excited to introduce him to her mom and tell her all about him. I fear one day that it will turn the opposite and the girl in his class will only tell her mom about how different he is.

When he talks to adults I stand there silently and watch him and look at the parent wondering if they know. Can they tell that he isn't like the rest of them? Are they going to be ok with their child being friends with an Autistic child?

I fear that one day he will lose some of friends because of his need to always come in first, to always be the winner. And although other children may understand that its ok to take turns with winning, Logan is not able to understand this.

He is a smart boy. He knows his way around a smartphone, and tablets. He mastered his DS within hours.

I don't know what the future looks like. How he will do from day to day. How much things will change for him once he is in grade one, because sitting in a chair for long periods of time is not going to be his strong suit, but I will be there to help him succeed with it as much as possible.

The day will come when he does ask, and I am trying to prepare myself for it. I'm not sure what exactly I will say, but I'm working on it.

~ Life will knock you down more times then you can imagine, don't knock yourself down ~


  1. Extremely well written and quite insightful. Well done!

  2. You have such a wonderful boy and he is lucky to have you as his mama! (Terri Lynn)
