Thursday, 17 April 2014

Turning Two

I know I have been through it once before already, but I still can't believe how quick time goes!

I can't believe that our little girl turns two today!      

What a journey it has been so far. And I can honestly say I would have no idea what we would do without her.

I love her gaped toothed grin. I love the way each morning she goes over to her brother and gives him a big hug. I love the way she says "okay". The way she scrunches her nose when she smiles.

She gives unconditional love.

I love the way she can get her brother to get her snacks and how she pats me on the back sometimes secretly telling me in her own way that "hey Mom, you got this don't sweat it!"

Two years old and she has the world at her fingertips. So much more to learn and explore. To learn right from wrong. To cry more tears and give more smiles. To laugh with her brother. To simply enjoy life.

I hope that she doesn't want to just aim for the sky, but to continue on and reach for the stars.

To keep teaching her brother that sibling love will last forever, even though she keeps taking all his cars while he is playing with them!

I want to teach her that life isn't a race, but a journey and to enjoy every moment of it and make as many memories as possible.

"A Two Year Old"

A two year old is so many things.
A tiny discoverer of butterfly wings.
A hugger of teddies, a sweet sleepy head.
And someone to dream for in bright years ahead.
A special new person who right from the start,
has a place in the family and a coarse in your heart.
And just when you think you've learned all the things,
that your dear daughter is, and the joy that she brings,
a hug or a grin comes with such a sweet surprise,
that love finds you smiling with tears in your eyes.

 Author: unknown

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