Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Motherhood, no sick days

As I sit here going through my second round of sickness this month the only thing I want to do is curl up underneath my blankets in bed and go to sleep.

But I can't.

Everyday we just keep trucking on. Through the good and the bad. This past month I was privileged enough to stay up the whole night with my son while he threw up. Constantly. The whole night. And not once did he actually make it to the bathroom. After going though all his bedding that he had at 5:00am I picked him up and brought him into bed with me. Saying a silent prayer that he doesn't throw up in my bed!

The next evening my stomach felt off. Oh no, I knew it was coming. Sure enough the next night it was my head in the toilet. Throwing up. The whole night. Horrible dry heaves. I wanted to die. That morning all I wanted to do was stay in bed. I had the chills really bad. My head hurt, and my stomach was still doing flip flops. But I had to get up. Logan needed his lunch packed the kids needed to get dressed and Logan needed to go to school.

The walk to and from his school was the longest ever. I struggled coming back, walking so, so slow. Collapsing on the couch as I got inside. Then I had too little eyes staring at me, saying "where is my milk Mom?"

I just wanted the day off. To do nothing, to tend to no one, to just sleep.

My Mom came to my rescue in the afternoon taking Brynleigh for a couple of hours and then picking up my son from school. It wasn't much, but it was enough for me. She left later, saying to me "I have no idea how you do this." Neither do I Mom, neither do I, but it's what we do.

I am sitting here now, still trying to regain my voice back, having a coughing fit once in a while and feeling drained, well because that's what a cold will do to you, I just hope that this one ends soon.

We as mother's have no sick days. We can't call in and say we are sick and taking the day off. We struggle through them. Making sure our kids are still taken care off. Knowing that when they come home from school with a runny nose it's only a matter of time until their sibling gets that same runny nose and then you do, because they insist on sharing their slobber with you.

How do we do it? I have no idea, I don't have the answer to that question, we just know that we have to power on and when we finally get to the end of the day and the kids are finally in bed sleeping we know then that we can collapse in bed and just hope that the next morning we don't wake up feeling sick so we don't have to repeat the day over again.

My son came up to me the other evening and told me this:

"Mom I have something to tell you"
"Germs, they are everywhere"
"They sure are buddy"

Then in my head I said to myself, just don't bring them home from school anymore bud!

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