Wednesday, 26 June 2013

A child's love

A child's love is simple. They love you unconditionally right from the start. They show their affections in small simple ways. No matter what the day brings they always have a way of telling you that they love you.

With my son it is simple, when putting him to bed our routine ends with a kiss, hug and a "goodnight" and "I love you." It's simple enough, yet means the world to me. Although he shows affection in other ways as well. Such as, when I am sitting on the couch, if he is not sitting on me then he is molded to my body beside me. Making sure there is no extra space between us, simply telling me that we are inseparable. And that there is nowhere else he would love to be other then curled up beside me.

With my daughter, she is not able to verbally tell me yet that she loves me, but her actions speak louder then words. I love when I come home from work and my son yells that Mom is home and then I hear the high pitched squeal of delight come from my daughter and see her big smile on her face that she is happy that I am home shows me that she loves me. My favourite by far though is when I go in to feed her in the night and pick her up to put her back in her crib she wraps her arms around me as much as she can and squeezes tight. I hold onto those moments and stand there for a few minutes and hug her back for I know that these moments will not last forever. And I can just feel the love between us. And as I lay her down in her crib she reaches up and pats my arm and I can imagine her saying "I love you too Mom, I love you too."

You see even though they push us to our limits and when we think that we might not be able to continue on the next day, they give us fuel to keep going. My children's love and affection is my fuel. An "I love you" at the end of the day keeps me going for tomorrow.

A child's love, something so simple, but means the world to each parent.

Saturday, 8 June 2013


As I sit in my living room looking at the mess that my children have created once again and thinking about the dishes that need to be done the laundry that needs to be washed, the vacuuming and scrubbing I feel the rush of being overwhelmed once again.

I am exhausted, not only from my kids getting up at 6am, but from the constant need from my kids all day long. Just when I think they have everything they need, there is always one more thing. I turn my back for a second and my daughter who is newly walking has fallen and hit her head once again. Or Logan has been too rough with her and needs that gentle reminder to take it easy with her since he is double her weight almost!

I just need a minute for myself. To not be a Mom for just a minute. To feel like my needs are being taken care of, but I don't get a break. From sun up to sun down my world revolves around my children. Don't get me wrong I love being a Mother and I love my children more then words can express, but I feel like I forget about myself from time to time. The feelings of loneliness start to creep in, I can't remember the last time I had a proper hair cut or took a shower without being interrupted (or simply just having time for one). Or the last time I got to eat in silence without my daughter trying to steal my food. I am so busy making sure my kids have everything they need that most times I just go without.

Motherhood is a full time job, usually with no vacation time and there definitely is no over time pay. You usually get forgotten because your kids take center ring. Everyone calls to see how the kids are doing, and you sit there silently in the back of your mind saying well what about me? We put on a fake smile and try to pretend that we have it altogether. Trying to live up to societies expectations, always having a home cooked meal prepared and actually tackling those 20 pinterest projects with our kids that look like they have been done by professionals.

My kids are not perfect and neither am I. I don't have it together everyday. I don't have planned out craft projects for them everyday. Most days we just go with the flow. So while I have the feeling of being overwhelmed today, tomorrow is a different day. Starting fresh each morning.

Learn from yesterday
Live for today
Hope for Tomorrow
~Albert Einstein~