Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Itty bitty hands

Little baby hands that reach for Mommy's face, such an innocent little touch. They only want to know that Mommy is close and that they are safe. The feel is familiar to them when Mommy places kisses  upon those tiny little hands. For now they reach out for toys and grip to that coffee table hoping to not tumble and fall down.

But what will they touch in the future? What will they change in this world? How many lives will they change and inspire? These tiny hands one day will hold friends hands when they need it most. They might bring change to someones life when they need it most. These little hands might pick someone up when they are down.

In this world where we have minimal face to face interaction these days will she change the world with her own. Will she fight for those that cannot fight for themselves with compassion? Will she educate people and fix things with those hands? Will she one day hold her own itty bitty baby with those hands?

In time will we only know, for her story is just beginning.

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