Monday, 10 December 2012

Live in the moment

It always surprises me sometimes when I call my Mother and expect to just say a quick hello to see how her day is going. (Yes I call my Mother on a daily basis, why I am not sure. My day just doesn't feel complete until I do) But sometimes we get into these long phone conversations, like the one a couple of days ago.

I have been having some rough days and figuring out how to deal with some things. I have a tendency to look ahead at things and can only see the negative aspect of things. And the thing my Mom said to me which will stick with me now is "live in the moment." Don't worry about what is to come, but enjoy what is happening. If we are to only look ahead at things and dread them, then we will more then likely overwhelm and stress ourselves out. Try and pick out the positive of things and focus on those more then the negative.

I have been dreading Christmas with the family this year, and if anyone knows me they know I love Christmas and still act like a kid that can't wait for the day to come and wake up early and everything that goes with it. But this year having two kids has made me less then enthused about it. My son tends to be a higher energy kid then some and keeping up with him can sometimes be difficult. I call him my path of destruction, because wherever he goes you can be sure he leaves a trail behind him. Some people don't know exactly how to deal with him and most times when we are visiting others he tends to get into everything he isn't suppose to. Negative aspect #1.

My daughter as lovely and cute as she is tends to only want Mom and Mom only. This can be tiring. Being able to find a suitable pair of arms that feel as good at Mommy's isn't always easy and usually only lasts about a minute or two. Putting her on the ground is an option, but she has been mobile since she was 6 months old so you always have to keep on eye on her because she is quick! Meanwhile my son, remember is probably doing something he isn't suppose to be doing, so I have to juggle Brynleigh and Logan at once and not being able to relax and visit with people frusturates me. Negative aspect #2.

These things were the only things I could focus on for Christmas day. But after having that conversation with my Mom, my thoughts are more like this.

Yes Logan will probably be high energy and crazy at times, but I am sure some people there need their daily exercise and will be able to run around with him. He loves to play hide and seek so I am sure my Mom will be only too happy to jump behind something a few times to put a smile on his face. Positive aspect #1.

Brynleigh with her adorable little face has been winning John over more and more each time we visit. I am sure he will love to hold her and when she starts to fuss they can blow raspberries at each other. Auntie Candice loves to play with her niece and nephew and show them how things work so I am sure they would love to play with her with new toys that they get that day. Positive Aspect #2

With others playing with the kids I will be able to sit down and relax a little and be able to visit with others. I am sure at times that they will want Mommy and only Mommy, but at least it won't be the whole time that we are there. Positive aspect #3.

It is something that I am still learning to do, but I am only focusing on the day at hand and what we will do in that day. We all want to plan ahead and make sure we know what is coming ahead, but sometimes we all need to slow down a little and just live in the moment and enjoy those moments.

A song that I recently came across really said it for me, it's by Jason Mraz and it's called Living in the moment:

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