Thursday, 14 June 2012

Blissful Smiles

The soft whimpers of a baby wake me up this morning and I can tell that it's early in the morning. Ugh! Not another wake up, she was just up at 2:00am! I roll over and look at the clock 5:45am. This can only mean one is the start of another day and it's a little too early for my liking, but with having two childern once the baby wakes up you can guarantee that Logan is soon to follow. As I slowly roll out of bed, I get up and peek over the edge of the crib and look at my little girl and she greets me with a huge smile. Everything in me melts and I no longer mind being up.

Those blissful smiles, the things they can do to a mother. They are by far the biggest reward that your infant can give you. We as mother's can sit there for 20 minutes, sometimes longer just to get one smile out of our baby, and when we finally succeed it's like we have won a gold medal! I remember the first time my son Logan gave me a smile, and thanks to my oh so talented Mother, who is a photographer we were able to capture it.

It's what keeps me going on a difficult day, where Brynleigh won't stop crying and Logan wants yet another yogurt for possibly the 5th time in the day. The days where I think I can't do this anymore, what was I thinking having two kids. Then you look over and there plastered on Brynleigh's face is one of the biggest gummy smiles ever! And everything just melts and you realize this is one of those moments, those precious moments that you will remember. Blissful smiles, it's the small things in life that you appreciate most.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! It is very beautiful.
