Tuesday, 28 June 2016

The last school lunch

The last school lunch of the year is packed and ready to go for the morning.

It's a day I look forward to all year long. The day where I no longer have to gather the same foods every evening and pack his lunch. But it also brings to a close another year of achievements and hard lessons learned.

I had mixed emotions about Logan starting grade one. I had a lot of fears about the struggles he would face and if he was going to be able to overcome them. And I was worried if my voice was going to be loud enough this year to be heard.

He did, and my voice was nice and loud!

Logan learned new ways to cope this year and he learned that not every child is the same and that we all learn at different speeds and that's OK. He learned that we don't need to compare ourselves to one another and that his achievements that he meets are the greatest for him in his own ways.

I am ever so grateful for the teacher that he had this past year. She actually listened to what I had to say and made things happen. She came in countless mornings to work with Logan on a program for his writing. She met with me whenever I had concerns and communicated so well. She was a dedicated teacher.

I have learned many new things about Logan this past year as well. And some things we are still getting to learn about him. As his mother I thought I knew everything there was to know about him, but school life is a completely different life then home life and I got a small glimpse into that when I was observing him during an assessment he had.

Logan is still eager to learn, although he does have his days where he doesn't like school as much, but his love for learning is still there.

He is very excited to begin his journey in grade two and our ASD journey will continue on. Teaching us all a little something along the way.