Sunday, 25 August 2013

Four Years

Four years ago today I started the journey of Motherhood.

The journey was not an easy start for me right from the beginning of birth, but I wouldn't change a thing about it. I have been tested to my limits, I have shed more tears then I have ever thought possible in the last four years. I have been stressed and exhausted. Wondering how will I ever make it another day. I have laughed, smiled and have my heart grow more then I have ever known possible.

There has been countless trips to the doctors office, tons of boo boos, bruises and even capped it all off with a broken bone. I have experienced so much as Mom. Have gotten used to wiping snotty noses (where ever convenient) and dirty bums.

I have seen my son struggle and succeed, but never fail.

I have seen pure joy from conquering that darn button on a pair of shorts.

And I have seen melt downs. Temper tantrums and crying fits, because no we can not have that bag of candy at 9:00am.

I have seen Logan become a big brother and seen the way he loves and cares for his sister.

Being a Mom has made me think in different ways and approach daily obstacles in different and unique ways. Knowing that it may take me 5 minutes to get ready, but then remembering to factor in an extra 15 minutes because we might have a struggle about how many toys we are actually going to bring in the car with us.

There are so many things about motherhood that no one is able to tell you about. That experiencing it first hand is the only way to learn about it. And you are never truly prepared to take on the task of being a Mom. And just when you think you have it all figured out they change the game. Continuously, over and over again. They know how to keep us on our toes all the time.

I have been blessed with the miracle to see my son grow and flourish before my very eyes. Look at things from a different perspective. Realize that there are things that I should not take for granted in life.

This day four years ago changed my life for the better.

And as he turns four today we begin another year of discoveries, smiles, laughs and even some tears.

Happy Fourth Birthday Little Man!